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5 Things About The Fellow Ode Brew Grinder

5 Things About The Fellow Ode Brew Grinder

| Nizatto Digital Limited

It's big news! Fellow have launched a brew grinder called the Ode and it's landing here in the UK soon! So we've made a list of five things you really ought to know about the Fellow Ode before it arrives.

It Has Big Burrs

The Fellow Ode is fitted with 64mm flat burrs, which is pretty sizeable for a home grinder (for comparison, the Mahlkonig K30 which is a mid volume commercial grinder is fitted with 65mm burrs). The bigger the burrs, the more surface area can be allocated to each level of "teeth" on the burrs. This means the grinding can be a more gentle process on the beans and should result in ground coffee that has been exposed to less heat damage and should make for a better extraction.

You're Not Getting Any Espresso Grinding From It

The Ode is being clearly pitched as a "Brew Grinder". There's different methodologies for both espresso and filter coffee grinding, different expectations on what kind of efficiencies or features they should have. With a lot of home grinders, a lot of quality sacrifices are made so that you can have a grinder that kind of does a bit of everything, but it ends up doing nothing particularly well. So the Fellow Ode has been designed specifically to deliver great coarse coffee grinding that will suit brew methods like pour over, aeropress or french press.

It's A Single Dose Grinder

This means that it's been designed for a single dose work flow. This means that you need to weigh out the beans you want to grind and then load that amount into the grinder. It hasn't got a traditional hopper that you can just fill up with a bag of beans. Because the grinder has been designed with this workflow in mind, the grind retention is really low which means what you put in as whole beans you get out in ground coffee. This is great if you want to try out lots of different coffees and you don't want to have grounds from the last Columbian coffee you drank in you next Rwandan coffee.

The Details Matter

This is Fellow we're talking about... So the little things matter. The Ode comes with cool little features such as a chute knocker (a bit like the EK43) which helps knock out any static charged grounds that might be hanging up in the grinder as well as a sleek static proof stainless steel grounds cup, which magnetically pulls itself into the perfect position so that you don't get coffee grounds shooting around everywhere.

It Has A PID Controlled Motor

This means that the grinder knows when there are still beans in the hopper and it ensures it maintains a consistent grind speed across the whole shot. This means that it can maintain a consistent grind profile and that every bean has been pulverised with the same amount of energy.

If you want to find out more about the Fellow Ode, reach out to us today on [email protected] or enter your email below to be kept up to date on when it will be available to order.